5/6: Join us for a #WeAllCare Twitter chat - Caring Across Generations

We are proud to announce the launch of the CREATIVE CARE COUNCIL! LEARN MORE


5/6: Join us for a #WeAllCare Twitter chat


In 2013, the DOL announced that after decades of exclusion, home care workers would finally be extended basic labor protections like the right to minimum wage and overtime — an important first step to ensure the dignity of care work and stabilize and strengthen this vital workforce.

But a lawsuit brought by for-profit home care agencies to block implementation of this historic change is now leaving two million home care workers in limbo.

Join us and the National Domestic Workers Alliance for a tweetchat on Wednesday, May 6, on why #WeAllCare about home care, and why it’s time to grant this workforce basic labor protections.


WHEN: Wednesday, May 6, 1 to 2 pm ET

WHERE: On Twitter, using the hashtag #WeAllCare

WHO: Co-hosted by Caring Across Generations (@caringacrossgen) and the National Domestic Workers Alliance (@domesticworkers) and featuring Ai-jen Poo (@aijenpoo), as well as care workers, caregivers, and other advocates.

We hope you can join us for the #WeAllCare tweetchat! Please feel free to email esther@caringacrossgenerations.org with any questions.