Why Care - Caring Across Generations

We are proud to announce the launch of the CREATIVE CARE COUNCIL! LEARN MORE


Why Care?

Aging adults, disabled people, families, and communities need accessible aging and disability care, paid leave for every worker, and affordable child care.

But nursing homes can be expensive and isolating, and very few want to live in one anyway.

The result? Too often, families are stretched thin and many feel like they’ve personally failed in some way.

We want to live in a country where people have community, support, and solutions for their increasing care needs so they don’t feel so alone.

This Is
Our Chance


People Money


Good Jobs


People Happier

...by investing in care.

But to make it possible,
we need a plan...and your help!

That's why
we're calling for:

More Support
for Families

"“When it comes to caring for my mom, it’s me or me. I got a job but ended up losing it because I couldn’t be on call. I’m in the same catch-22 that so many other families are in - earning too much to qualify for Medicaid, and too little to afford out-of-pocket care. Should it be this hard?”-Karon H.Family Caregiver, Missouri

Good Jobs
for Caregivers

"“I love being a home care worker and I work hard - sometimes 16 hours a day. But no matter how many hours I put in, the pay is so low that I can’t support myself and my daughters on my paycheck. I have a subsidized apartment and have been on food stamps, and still wonder how I’m going to afford my car insurance.”- Adelaide M.Professional Caregiver, Maine

Good Jobs
for Caregivers

Real access to care
we all need and deserve

"“I’ve been fiercely independent my entire life, but I’ve come to learn that getting help is really not that bad. My guardian angel, Jennifer, comes in every day. Instead of diminishing me, it empowers me to return to the life I led before the stroke. So now, I think of myself as a very independent person...with benefits.”- Bev E.Retired School Teacher, New York

That's why
we're calling for:

More Support
for Families

“When it comes to caring for my mom, it’s me or me. I got a job but ended up losing it because I couldn’t be on call. I’m in the same catch-22 that so many other families are in - earning too much to qualify for Medicaid, and too little to afford out-of-pocket care. Should it be this hard?”-Karon H.Family Caregiver, Missouri

Good Jobs
for Caregivers

“I love being a home care worker and I work hard - sometimes 16 hours a day. But no matter how many hours I put in, the pay is so low that I can’t support myself and my daughters on my paycheck. I have a subsidized apartment and have been on food stamps, and still wonder how I’m going to afford my car insurance.”- Adelaide M.Professional Caregiver, Maine

Real Choices
for Seniors

“I’ve been fiercely independent my entire life, but I’ve come to learn that getting help is really not that bad. My guardian angel, Jennifer, comes in every day. Instead of diminishing me, it empowers me to return to the life I led before the stroke. So now, I think of myself as a very independent person...with benefits.”- Bev E.Retired School Teacher, New York

We're fighting against:

Unequal Access
to Care


Widespread Cultural Ageism
And Albeism

We're fighting against:

Unequal Access
to Care


Widespread Cultural

...to ensure that as we age, we can do so with dignity and CARE

Can we count on you?