We are proud to announce the launch of the CREATIVE CARE COUNCIL! LEARN MORE
On February 20, 2017, Caring Across Generations and our partner organization Maine People’s Alliance launched a bold new campaign calling for Universal Family Care for Maine’s families, young children, and seniors. Recognizing that the needs of our families have changed dramatically over the past few decades, Universal Family Care would establish paid family and medical leave, universal child care for children under four, and universal home care for seniors and people with disabilities. This plan would also support the state’s care workforce. Those who care for our loved ones must be able to care for themselves and their own families, and the plan would invest in the care workforce, increasing wages and benefits and leading to a higher quality of care.
Read coverage about the launch:
Maine Beacon, “Mainers launch campaign for guaranteed child care for kids and home care for seniors”
WCSH6, “Lawmakers propose legislation to address what they call Maine’s care crisis”
Maine Public Radio, “Bill Would Provide Mainers With Free Day Care and Home Health Services”
WGME13, “New plan could provide free care to some of Maine’s youngest and oldest citizens”