Welcome to Caring Across Generations! - Caring Across Generations

We are proud to announce the launch of the CREATIVE CARE COUNCIL! LEARN MORE


Welcome to Caring Across Generations!


Welcome to Caring Across Generations!

We have all known what a wonderful gift it is to care for the people we love and be cared for by others.  At times in life, that gift is essential. The Caring Across Generations campaign brings together aging Americans, people with disabilities, workers, and their families to protect all Americans’ right to choose the care and support they need to live with dignity. 

Every eight seconds in America today, someone turns 65.  Meanwhile, as we move into the second decade of the Americans with Disabilities Act, our communities are striving to more accessible and inclusive.  We see these not as challenges but opportunities — to create millions of high quality in-home care jobs while increasing every family’s access to the care and support they need at a price they can afford.  

We started Caring Across Generations to unite care consumers, families, workers and immigrant rights organizations to build a better long-term care system that supports each of us, our family members and our neighbors, to live and age in our own homes and communities. 

Every American should have the ability to determine the care they want based on their needs—and every American would benefit from being a part of a more caring community.  Improving the way we care for one another, as family members and workers, will create an economy and a society that works for all of us.

At this critical moment in American history, as we try to achieve the hopes of millions of aspiring Americans and the needs of millions of seniors and people with disabilities, we are so glad to have you joining with us


Sarita Gupta & Ai-jen Poo